Comprehensive exams

What’s included

Ocular History

A comprehensive account of a patient's eye-related experiences, including any past diagnosis, surgeries, or family history of eye conditions. Gathering this information is crucial for our optometrists to tailor personalized care and understand the unique aspects of each patient's eye health journey.

Visual Acuity and Refraction

These are the cornerstones of assessing your vision's clarity. Visual acuity measures the sharpness of your vision, while refraction determines the precise prescription needed for optimal visual correction. Through these evaluations, our optometrists fine-tune your prescription, ensuring that your vision is crystal clear at all distances and tailored to your individual needs.

Ocular Health

Ocular health encompasses the overall well-being of the eyes, including structures like the cornea, lens, and retina. A thorough evaluation of ocular health during an eye exam involves assessing for conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. We provide retinal imaging (OPTOS) as an alternative to dilations.


Contact Lens Exam